Collect Your Own FREE Audiobooks on SORA starting today (28 April – 3 August 2021)

SYNC is a summer reading program targeted at teens aged 13 and older!

SYNC is an annual program that gives individuals 13+ who register two complete audiobook downloads per week–including new and favorite listens–each week for 14 weeks during the summer. It’s free and available worldwide.

Using Sora to access SYNC

Here are a few tips for using Sora to access SYNC, whether you’re new to the app or an expert user.

I already use Sora for school. How do I add SYNC titles?

If you already use Sora, you’ll need to add the SYNC program’s library. Here are the steps:

  1. In Sora, open the menu (in the top-right corner).
  2. Select Add a library.
  3. Search for audiobooksync and select the library from the results.
  4. Enter the email address you used to sign up for SYNC.

The full title list is to be found here:

More info on:

Great Audio Books – Free Download!

Step 1: REGISTER for SYNC and follow the instructions.

Step2: Open You’ll need to add the SYNC program’s library. Here are the steps:

  • In Sora, open the menu (in the top-right corner).
  • Select Add a library.
  • Search for audiobooksync and select the library from the results.
  • Enter the email address you used to sign up for SYNC.

If you are having any trouble please email

Start Collecting Free Audio-Books on SORA – TODAY

What SYNC Participants Said about the 2020 Program

„Helping me through a rough time—being read to is the highest form of comfort“

„I never thought that I would come to enjoy reading from an audiobook. It’s so cool because I can do other stuff like folding clothes while listening to a book. Thanks, SYNC, for the experience.“

„My favorite part about SYNC is getting and listening to books I wouldn’t have ever chosen for myself. It expands my world view and my reading view, which is excellent.“ 

Register for SYNC today