Sommerferien – Summer holidays

In diesen Zeiten wünschen wir allen schöne, erholsame Ferien, kühle Nächte und spannende Lektüren. Ist es zu heiß um zu lesen? Wir hätten da eine Idee: Höre ein spannendes Hörbuch mit der SoraApp!


In these times we wish everyone a nice, relaxing holiday, cool nights and exciting readings. Is it too hot to read? We have an idea: listen to an exciting audiobook with the SoraApp!

Hier findest du auch eine Anleitung für die SoraApp * Here you’ll also find an introduction how to use the SoraApp:

Great Audio Books – Free Download!

Step 1: REGISTER for SYNC and follow the instructions.

Step2: Open You’ll need to add the SYNC program’s library. Here are the steps:

  • In Sora, open the menu (in the top-right corner).
  • Select Add a library.
  • Search for audiobooksync and select the library from the results.
  • Enter the email address you used to sign up for SYNC.

If you are having any trouble please email

Start Collecting Free Audio-Books on SORA – TODAY

What SYNC Participants Said about the 2020 Program

„Helping me through a rough time—being read to is the highest form of comfort“

„I never thought that I would come to enjoy reading from an audiobook. It’s so cool because I can do other stuff like folding clothes while listening to a book. Thanks, SYNC, for the experience.“

„My favorite part about SYNC is getting and listening to books I wouldn’t have ever chosen for myself. It expands my world view and my reading view, which is excellent.“ 

Register for SYNC today